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Version: 6.x


Group 组件用于将导航器内的多个 screens 分组。

¥Group components are used to group several screens inside a navigator.

GroupcreateXNavigator 函数返回:

¥A Group is returned from a createXNavigator function:

const Stack = createStackNavigator(); // Stack contains Screen & Navigator properties

创建导航器后,它可以用作 Navigator 组件的子组件:

¥After creating the navigator, it can be used as children of the Navigator component:

screenOptions={{ headerStyle: { backgroundColor: 'papayawhip' }}}
<Stack.Screen name="Home" component={HomeScreen} />
<Stack.Screen name="Profile" component={ProfileScreen} />
<Stack.Group screenOptions={{ presentation: 'modal' }}>
<Stack.Screen name="Search" component={SearchScreen} />
<Stack.Screen name="Share" component={ShareScreen} />

也可以将 Group 组件嵌套在其他 Group 组件内。

¥It's also possible to nest Group components inside other Group components.





¥Options to configure how the screens inside the group get presented in the navigator. It accepts either an object or a function returning an object:

presentation: 'modal',
{/* screens */}

当你传递一个函数时,它将收到 routenavigation

¥When you pass a function, it'll receive the route and navigation:

screenOptions={({ route, navigation }) => ({
title: route.params.title,
{/* screens */}

这些选项将与各个屏幕中指定的 options 合并,并且屏幕的选项将优先于组的选项。

¥These options are merged with the options specified in the individual screens, and the screen's options will take precedence over the group's options.

有关更多详细信息和示例,请参阅 屏幕选项

¥See Options for screens for more details and examples.


¥Optional key for a group of screens screen. If the key changes, all existing screens in this group will be removed (if used in a stack navigator) or reset (if used in a tab or drawer navigator):

<Stack.Group navigationKey={isSignedIn ? 'user' : 'guest'}>
{/* screens */}

这与 Screen 上的 navigationKey 属性类似,但适用于一组屏幕。

¥This is similar to the navigationKey prop on Screen, but applies to a group of screens.