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Version: 7.x


作为库的潜在用户,了解你能用它做什么和不能做什么很重要。有了这些知识,你可以选择采用不同的库,例如 react-native-navigation。我们在 俯仰和反俯仰 部分讨论高级设计决策,在这里我们将介绍一些不受支持或很难实现甚至不可能的用例。如果以下任何限制对你的应用来说是不利的,那么 React Navigation 可能不适合你。

¥As a potential user of the library, it's important to know what you can and cannot do with it. Armed with this knowledge, you may choose to adopt a different library such as react-native-navigation instead. We discuss the high level design decisions in the pitch & anti-pitch section, and here we will cover some of the use cases that are either not supported or are so difficult to do that they may as well be impossible. If any of the following limitations are dealbreakers for your app, React Navigation might not be for you.

有限的从右到左 (RTL) 布局支持

¥Limited right-to-left (RTL) layout support

我们尝试在 React Navigation 中正确处理 RTL 布局,但是开发 React Navigation 的团队相当小,我们目前没有足够的带宽或流程来测试针对 RTL 布局的所有更改。因此你可能会遇到 RTL 布局问题。

¥We try to handle RTL layouts properly in React Navigation, however the team working on React Navigation is fairly small and we do not have the bandwidth or processes at the moment to test all changes against RTL layouts. So you might encounter issues with RTL layouts.

如果你喜欢 React Navigation 所提供的功能,但对此限制感到厌烦,我们鼓励你参与并获得 RTL 布局支持。请通过 Twitter 联系我们:@reactnavigation

¥If you like what React Navigation has to offer but are turned off by this constraint, we encourage you to get involved and take ownership of RTL layout support. Please reach out to us on Twitter: @reactnavigation.


¥Some platform-specific behavior

React Navigation 不支持 3D 触摸设备上可用的 peek & pop 功能。

¥React Navigation does not include support for the peek & pop feature available on devices with 3D touch.