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Version: 6.x


Link 组件呈现一个可以在按下时导航到屏幕的组件。在 Web 上使用时会呈现 <a> 标签,在其他平台上使用 Text 组件。它保留了浏览器中锚标记的默认行为,例如 Right click -> Open link in new tab"Ctrl+Click/⌘+Click 等,以提供原生体验。

¥The Link component renders a component that can navigate to a screen on press. This renders an <a> tag when using on the Web and It uses a Text component on other platforms. It preserves the default behavior of anchor tags in the browser such as Right click -> Open link in new tab", Ctrl+Click/⌘+Click etc. to provide a native experience.

href<a> 标签的路径是根据你的 linking 选项 生成的。

¥The path in the href for the <a> tag is generated based on your linking options.



import { Link } from '@react-navigation/native';

// ...

function Home() {
return (
<Link to={{ screen: 'Profile', params: { id: 'jane' }}}>
Go to Jane's profile

如果你想使用自己的自定义触摸,可以使用 useLinkProps 代替。

¥If you want to use your own custom touchable, you can use useLinkProps instead.

Link 组件接受 useLinkProps 相同的属性

¥The Link component accepts the same props as useLinkProps