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Version: 6.x


应用中的每个 screen 组件都会自动提供 route 属性。该 prop 包含有关当前路由(导航层次结构组件中的位置)的各种信息。

¥Each screen component in your app is provided with the route prop automatically. The prop contains various information regarding current route (place in navigation hierarchy component lives).

  • route

    • key - 屏幕的唯一键。自动创建或在导航到此屏幕时添加。

      ¥key - Unique key of the screen. Created automatically or added while navigating to this screen.

    • name - 屏幕名称。在导航器组件层次结构中定义。

      ¥name - Name of the screen. Defined in navigator component hierarchy.

    • path - 当通过深层链接打开屏幕时,存在包含打开屏幕的路径的可选字符串。

      ¥path - An optional string containing the path that opened the screen, exists when the screen was opened via a deep link.

    • params - 包含在导航时定义的参数的可选对象,例如 navigate('Twitter', { user: 'Dan Abramov' })

      ¥params - An optional object containing params which is defined while navigating e.g. navigate('Twitter', { user: 'Dan Abramov' }).

function ProfileScreen({ route }) {
return (
<Text>This is the profile screen of the app</Text>